Student life at NRI offers a holistic growth in every realm of life. The student becomes an integral part of the institute. It is where he is going to spend four important years of his life. He learns his curricula and the way of life.
Theory class hours are complemented with practical lab hours. Utmost importance is given to wholesome education. It is not all work and no play at NRI. Games and physical education are an integral part of the holistic education offered by NRI. Interested students are also trained in yoga and meditation.
NRI also facilitate the students to undertake visits to various industrial units as a part of academic curricula. It also offers In-house training where creativity, knowledge and skills are fine-tuned. The knowledge, which has been gained through classroom structure is evaluated and enhanced through these In-house training.
The performance of a student is assessed by means of continuous evaluation throughout the semester in class work, tests (sometimes unannounced), tutorials, laboratory work, assignment, project, seminar etc. and a comprehensive examination at the end of the semester as per JNTUK University norms. The student is thereby given a large number of opportunities to exhibit himself and be evaluated. The system encourages and rewards continuous and systematic study. It provides a constant feedback to the students, thus enabling them to equip themselves for the future with better skills.
Class room teaching alone doesn’t helps the students so cope up for the competitions. NRI has allocated sufficient facilities for students relaxation. This kind of environment keeps student mind fresh and the will be filled with new ideas.
Our main concern and objective is to provide the student a home away from home. We are convinced to have provided every thing that can remind a student of a home.